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Diary of a Drag
I am such a fucking drag
I am desperate
They call me desperate D
Not that kind of D though
It's D for my name, just not sure what that is, yet
I'm dirty
D for dirt
D for dog, the back-word of GOD
I am Filth
but nobody knows that yet
I am ---
oh sorry, I can't say that word, yet
I feel like I'm dying
I feel like I'm dying
I feel like I am dying
Have needed this re-birth shit people talk about
people talk about a lot
and then crop it
and repost
I hope I get cropped like a bad bitch
snipped and clipped
summarised and served up sunny side
I like the sun
let me get my shades on
you're naughty stop it
you serve me with too much nuance
stop it
stop it, pet
you're so naughty
I'm just a caption
stop talking about me then
stop that conversation shit
it's long
I don't like it long
I like it stretched like my mind stretchy
but not long.
I'm ready now, maybe you could change me
often, I worry
often, I am despairing
often, I feel like I am dying
I have to leave my ---- at the door of every space
that left
guess I don't belong then
was always kinda trendy in my own way
guess that's what trend setting is
guess I was never really trendy then
more of a badass trend setter who left the trend after setting it
kinds like a saviour, or, a SERVE-iour rather...
guess I'm important then
well. at least I know how important I am now.
so, I can say it now?
it's really safe?
ok, so, that's right bitches, I'm ----
(gives birth to tiny trolls)
I lost the trendy activism game
guess I'll make some eggs sunny side down
say bye bye to the sun
it's overrated anyway
the earth's burning
and I'm self indulging
which is AGAINST THE LAW by the way - that's right
moderation is key
moderation is key
moderation of speech, moderation in business, moderation isssss moderation issss moderation in speech
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